日本TiGLON D-Ren Pro 混合式避震​墊​材
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日本TiGLON D-Ren Pro 混合式避震​墊​材


尺寸: 直徑70mm X 厚度3mm

一般墊材主要靠不同密度多層數的物料組合而成, 以達致吸震/化震效果。 日本TIGLON 經多年研究發現鎂合金無論在吸震能力, 對干擾的屏蔽能力均是金屬導體中最優秀。 全新D-REN PRO薄塾、使用三層設計,中層放置了一片2 mm高純度鎂合金, 廠方建議墊在傳統釘墊之下, 或原裝機腳之下, 或直接墊在書架喇叭和喇叭架中間, 均可大大提高原有的釘墊威力, 令你本來的釘墊表現更上一層樓。

當器材墊了D-REN PRO後, 不但可以提高中頻的濕潤度和音樂感,更可抑制高頻的毛躁感,令高頻的線條感更優秀。

「處理震動」,注意我不是說「消除」震動, 因為震動是無法百分百消除的, 事實上我們也不必完全消除震動, 我們要做的是「處理」所謂「處理震動」就是利用適當妥善的方法, 把震動化為好聲的助力。如此一來, 你就可以輕鬆的獲得好聲。




D-REN PRO – Enhancing Audio Performance


Traditional damping materials are typically composed of multiple layers of materials with varying densities to achieve vibration absorption and isolation effects. After years of research, Japanese company TIGLON has discovered that magnesium alloy is the most superior metal conductor in terms of both vibration absorption and interference shielding capabilities. The all-new D-REN PRO pad utilizes a three-layer design, with a 2mm high-purity magnesium alloy placed in the middle layer.


TIGLON recommends using the D-REN PRO pad underneath traditional spikes, original equipment feet, or directly between bookshelf speakers and speaker stands. By doing so, the pad significantly enhances the effectiveness of the existing spikes, taking your audio performance to the next level.



With the D-REN PRO pad in place, not only can you improve the richness and musicality of the midrange frequencies, but you can also suppress the harshness in the high frequencies, resulting in a more refined and detailed high-frequency response.



It’s important to note that the goal is to “manage” vibrations rather than completely eliminate them. Vibrations cannot be entirely eliminated, and in fact, it’s not necessary to do so. The key is to “manage” vibrations by employing appropriate and effective methods to harness them as a driving force for better sound. By doing so, you can effortlessly achieve improved audio performance.

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