日本Tiglon D-Ren Earth 直流電源線 成品線
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日本Tiglon D-Ren Earth 直流電源線 成品線



日本 TIGLON D-Ren DC Cable 登場!

眾所周知一條性能優越的DC Cable 可以讓LPS 線性供電發揮如虎添翼之效能!

日本 Tiglon D-Ren Earth 除了可以使用在地線之外, 我們的開發團隊發現D-Ren Earth用在DC 線上同樣擁有驚人的效能! 她的導體粗達 AWG16 的DF OFC 純銅導體, 能夠安全讓較大DC電流通過, 她的外層再配以TiGLON 專利的鎂合金屏蔽, 讓這條DC 線材展現出無比寧靜的背景, 而且音色質地柔軟, 頻段均衡, 而且更表現出非常出眾的低頻控制力.
可以按客人要求配以OYAIDE DC 2.1/ DC2.5 或其他客制插頭.

In high-end audio systems, the ground box has gradually become an important standard accessory. To meet the different requirements of customers regarding length and plug configurations, TiGLON has introduced the premium-grade D-Ren Earth ground wire assembly. The advantage of this assembly is that it allows customers to choose the length and plug type that best suits their needs, greatly enhancing flexibility and convenience in usage.

The all-new D-Ren Earth ground wire assembly utilizes the same technology as the renowned D-Ren Pro spike footers from TiGLON. It incorporates special materials that dampen vibrations and absorb harmonic resonance in the wire. The shielding layer adopts the latest development of the third-generation magnesium alloy, providing exceptional shielding performance. The metal conductor employs the same DF-OFC material as the top-of-the-line TPL-2000X signal cable, delivering a highly neutral, uncolored, quiet background, and a rich and dynamic soundstage. For our customized finished cables, we employ TELOS’ V5.1 cable cooker for a 24-hour burn-in process, enabling the cables to reach their optimal state more quickly.


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